I don’t believe in fairy tales
I guess I’ve outgrown them
But that doesn’t mean I don’t believe
that there’s something bigger than me
Cause I’ve seen it in a hospital room
When the doctor said
Sorry there’s nothing more we can do
Well it wasn’t through
I’ve never seen a pot of gold
at the end of a rainbow
But I’ve got a promise I can hold
in the middle of the struggle
God if you said it You’ll perform it
May not be how I want You to
But here’s what I’ll do
I’m gonna wait on You
I’m gonna wait on You
I’ve tasted Your goodness
I’ll trust in Your promise
I’m gonna wait on You
I’m gonna wait on You
I’ve tasted Your goodness
I’ll trust in Your promise
I’m gonna wait on You
I know You’ve ordered every step
Yeah, You are the Author
And there’s no predicting what is next
But You hold the future
And all the questions they come
second to the one I know is true
You’ve always been true
Wait on the Lord
Wait on the Lord
He will renew your strength
So wait I say
That’s what happens when you wait
Shall renew, renew their strenght
They shall mount up, up on wings
Like an eagle and soar
They shall walk and not get weary
They shall run and not faint
That’s what happens when you wait
Written by Steven Furtick, Chandler Moore, Dante Bowe, Chris Brown, Tiffany Hudson and Brandon Lake
©2021 Music by Elevation Worship Publishing, Chandler Moore Designee, Bethel Worship Publishing / Maverick City Publishing, Bethel Music Publishing / Maverick City Publishing Worldwide
Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:14
Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes. Psalm 37:7

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