Spread the Reign of God the Lord (Hymn)

Spread the Reign of God the Lord is a powerful hymn calling believers to proclaim God’s Word, share the gospel of salvation, and follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Rooted in biblical truth, this song emphasizes the mission of spreading God’s kingdom, the redeeming grace of Christ, and the call to labor in the Lord’s harvest.

Spread the reign of God the Lord,
Spoken, written, mighty Word;
Everywhere His creatures call
To His heavenly banquet hall.

Tell how God the Father’s will
Made the world, upholds it still,
How His own dear Son He gave
Us from sin and death to save.

Tell of our Redeemer’s grace,
Who, to save our human race
And to pay rebellion’s price,
Gave Himself as sacrifice.

Tell of God the Spirit given
Now to guide us on to heaven,
Strong and holy, just and true,
Working both to will and do.

Enter, mighty Word, the field;
Ripe the promise of its yield.
But the reapers, oh, how few
For the work there is to do!

Lord of harvest, great and kind,
Rouse to action heart and mind;
Let the gathering nations all
See Your light and heed Your call.

Story Behind the Song

Jonathan Friedrich Bahnmaier, born in 1774, was a German theologian and hymn writer deeply committed to Christian education and pastoral care. In 1798, after completing his studies at Tübingen, he began his ministry as an assistant to his father, a town preacher in Oberstenfeld, Württemberg.

His career included roles as Diaconus in Marbach and Ludwigsburg, and later as Professor of Education and Homiletics at Tübingen in 1815. Despite facing challenges that led him to resign from his professorship, Bahnmaier continued his pastoral work as Decan and Town Preacher at Kirchheim-unter-Teck for 21 years.

His dedication to spreading the Christian message is evident in his hymn “Spread the Reign of God the Lord,” which emphasizes the proclamation of God’s word and the global mission of the church. This hymn has been included in various hymnals, such as the Lutheran Service Book.[1]

The tune associated with this hymn, “GOTT SEI DANK,” originates from the early 18th century. It first appeared in the “Geist-reiches Gesang-Buch,” edited by Johann A. Freylinghausen in 1704. This melody has been paired with Bahnmaier’s text to inspire congregations to engage in the mission of spreading God’s word.[2]

While specific details about the hymn’s initial composition and reception are limited, its enduring presence in worship services highlights its impact. “Spread the Reign of God the Lord” continues to encourage believers to actively participate in sharing the gospel, reflecting Bahnmaier’s lifelong commitment to Christian mission and education.

Gospel Mission and Grace

Spread the reign of God the Lord declares the central mission of the gospel: to proclaim God’s kingdom and make Him known. Jesus commanded His followers to preach the gospel to all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).

His reign is not political but spiritual, ruling in the hearts of those who believe (Luke 17:20-21). The Word of God is the instrument of this reign, fulfilling His purpose and never returning empty (Isaiah 55:11).

Tell of our Redeemer’s grace reveals the heart of salvation. Jesus, in His love, gave Himself as a sacrifice to redeem sinners, paying the full price for human rebellion (Titus 2:14). Through His atonement, we are justified freely by His grace (Romans 3:24).

This truth is essential to Christian faith—salvation is not earned but received through Christ’s finished work. Those who believe are called to testify to this grace, knowing that faith comes by hearing the Word of Christ (Romans 10:17).

Lord of harvest, great and kind points to the urgency of spreading the gospel. Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few” (Luke 10:2). The gospel is ready to bear fruit, but God calls workers to go and gather.

Evangelism is not optional; it is the response of those who have received Christ’s redemption. Just as Jesus called His disciples to be fishers of men (Matthew 4:19), believers must go out, making known His salvation among the nations (Psalm 96:3).

Tell of God the Spirit given reminds us of the Holy Spirit’s role in guiding believers. Jesus promised the Spirit would lead His followers into all truth (John 16:13).

The Spirit sanctifies, convicts, and empowers for godly living (Galatians 5:16). The Christian life is not a journey of human effort but one led by the Spirit, who works in us to will and to act according to God’s purpose (Philippians 2:13).

The message of the song is clear: God reigns, Christ redeems, the Spirit empowers, and the world must hear. Every believer is called to take part in this mission.

The gospel is not just a message; it is the power of God for salvation (Romans 1:16). If the harvest is plentiful, will we labor? If the nations must hear, will we go?

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Spread the Reign of God the Lord lyrics and music by Jonathan Friedrich Bahnmaier, (1704) Public Domain

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