Precious Lord Take My Hand is a timeless gospel hymn that expresses a heartfelt plea for God’s guidance, strength, and comfort in times of weakness and hardship. Rooted in faith, the song reflects the believer’s trust in God’s unwavering presence, leading them through life’s trials and into His eternal light.
Precious Lord, take my hand,
Lead me on, let me stand,
I am tired, I am weak, I am worn;
Through the storm, through the night,
Lead me on to the light:
Take my hand, precious Lord,
Lead me home.
When my way grows drear,
Precious Lord, linger near,
When my life is almost gone,
Hear my cry, hear my call,
Hold my hand lest I fall:
When the darkness appears
And the night draws near,
And the day is past and gone,
At the river, I stand,
Guide my feet, hold my hand:

Story Behind the Song
In August 1932, Thomas A. Dorsey, a prominent African American musician known for blending gospel and blues, faced a profound personal tragedy. While performing at a revival meeting in St. Louis, he received a devastating telegram: his wife, Nettie, had died during childbirth. Upon returning to Chicago, Dorsey learned that their newborn son had also passed away.
Overwhelmed by grief, he turned to his faith for solace. In the music room of a friend’s home, Dorsey sat at a piano, and the words poured out: “Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on, let me stand.”
This heartfelt plea became the hymn “Take My Hand, Precious Lord,” reflecting his deep sorrow and reliance on divine guidance. The song has since resonated with many, offering comfort in times of hardship.[1]
“Take My Hand, Precious Lord” has been embraced widely, transcending its origins to become a staple in various musical traditions. Its enduring appeal lies in its raw emotion and universal message of seeking strength beyond oneself. The hymn has been translated into numerous languages and continues to be a source of comfort and inspiration worldwide.[2]
For those interested in a deeper exploration of the song’s background and its impact, the Hymnology Archive offers a comprehensive analysis. This resource delves into the hymn’s history, musical composition, and its role in both religious and cultural contexts.[3]
Thomas A. Dorsey’s “Take My Hand, Precious Lord” stands as a testament to the power of music to convey profound personal experiences and to provide solace to others facing their own trials.
Prayer for God’s Leading and Strength
Precious Lord, Take My Hand is a heartfelt prayer of dependence on God’s guidance and strength through life’s trials. It expresses the believer’s trust in the Lord to lead them through darkness, weakness, and ultimately, into His eternal presence.
Precious Lord, take my hand reflects the biblical truth that God upholds His people. Psalm 73:23 says, “Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.” The singer acknowledges personal weakness and the need for God’s help. Scripture affirms that human strength fails, but God is the one who sustains His people (Isaiah 41:10).
Through the storm, through the night, lead me on to the light echoes the biblical theme of God’s presence in times of trouble. Isaiah 43:2 assures, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.” Life brings trials, but believers can trust that God is leading them toward His light. Jesus declared, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12), making clear that He alone is the source of hope and salvation.
When the darkness appears and the night draws near speaks to the reality of life’s end. The Bible teaches that for those who trust in Christ, death is not the end but the beginning of eternal life with God. 2 Corinthians 5:8 affirms, “We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.” Standing at the river represents this transition, pointing to the hope of being guided safely into God’s presence.
Take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home is the final plea of the song, expressing the longing to be with God forever. The Bible assures that He will never leave or forsake His people (Deuteronomy 31:8). For those in Christ, the journey leads to a home prepared by God Himself (John 14:2-3).
This song captures the essence of faith—trusting in God’s strength, seeking His guidance, and holding fast to His promise of eternal life. It is a reminder that in every season, through every trial, and even at life’s end, God is faithful to lead His people home.
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Precious Lord Take My Hand lyrics and music by Thomas A. Dorsey, (1932) Public Domain
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