Now thank we all our God is a timeless Christian hymn of gratitude, faith, and divine providence, made during the hardships of the Thirty Years’ War. This powerful song calls believers to give thanks for God’s wondrous works, trust in His sustaining grace, and worship His eternal reign.
Now thank we all our God
With heart and hands and voices,
Who wondrous things has done,
In whom His world rejoices;
Who from our mothers’ arms
has blessed us on our way
With countless gifts of love,
and still is ours today.
O may this bounteous God
Through all our life be near us,
With ever joyful hearts
and blessed peace to cheer us,
To keep us in His grace,
And guide us when perplexed,
And free us from all ills
Of this world in the next.
All praise and thanks to God
The Father now be given,
The Son and Spirit blest,
Who reign in highest heaven
The one eternal God,
Whom heaven and earth adore;
For thus it was, is now,
And shall be evermore.

Story Behind the Song
In the early 17th century, amidst the turmoil of the Thirty Years’ War, German Lutheran pastor Martin Rinkart served in Eilenburg, Saxony. The war brought immense hardship, including famine and a devastating plague in 1637. [1]
Despite these challenges, Rinkart remained steadfast in his faith, ministering to the afflicted and conducting numerous funerals daily. During this period, he penned the hymn Now Thank We All Our God (originally Nun danket alle Gott) around 1636. [2]
Initially intended as a simple family prayer before meals, the hymn’s message of gratitude and trust in God resonated deeply with those enduring the war’s hardships. Its uplifting words provided comfort and hope, leading to its widespread adoption in both religious and national contexts. [3]
The hymn was later translated into English by Catherine Winkworth in the 19th century, further extending its reach and impact. Today, Now Thank We All Our God stands as a testament to unwavering faith and thankfulness in the face of adversity. [4]
Gratitude, Faith, and Worship
Now thank we all our God is a song of gratitude, trust, and worship, acknowledging God’s wondrous works, sustaining grace, and eternal reign. It calls believers to recognize His faithfulness and respond with thanksgiving.
Who wondrous things has done points to God’s mighty acts in creation, redemption, and providence. Psalm 111:4 says, “He has caused his wondrous works to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and merciful.” From delivering Israel (Exodus 14:21) to raising Christ from the dead (Luke 24:6-7), God has shown His power and love. His works call for praise and remembrance, reinforcing the song’s emphasis on giving thanks.
To keep us in His grace, and guide us when perplexed expresses dependence on God’s sustaining hand. Proverbs 3:5-6 teaches, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart… and he will make straight your paths.” In times of uncertainty, God provides wisdom (James 1:5) and grace (2 Corinthians 12:9). His guidance is not just for ease but for spiritual growth, shaping believers through trials.
And free us from all ills of this world in the next speaks of ultimate redemption. John 16:33 reminds, “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” While struggles persist, God promises an eternal future free from sorrow (Revelation 21:4). The song rightly anticipates God’s final deliverance, aligning with the biblical hope of restoration.
The one eternal God, whom heaven and earth adore affirms God’s sovereignty and the worship due to Him alone. Revelation 4:8 declares, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!” The song upholds the biblical teaching of the Trinity, directing praise to the Father, Son, and Spirit. This truth stands at the heart of Christian worship, as God reigns forever.
Thanksgiving, trust, and worship define the message of this hymn. It leads believers to recognize God’s past faithfulness, seek His present guidance, and hope in His eternal reign. Worship rooted in these truths strengthens faith, shaping a life centered on God’s glory.
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Now Thank We All Our God lyrics and music by Martin Rinkart, (1636) Public Domain
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