The song No One But Jesus powerfully underscores the exclusive greatness and supreme worth of Jesus Christ. It celebrates His uniqueness as the highest King and Savior, whose sacrifice on the cross and resurrection marked an unparalleled victory.
Through its lyrics, the song highlights Jesus’ sovereignty and eternal reign, emphasizing that He alone is worthy of worship. The repeated refrain, No one but Jesus, captures the essence of His exclusivity and unmatched significance.
Who else belongs on the highest of thrones
Who else is crowned with the stars
Glory and honor be to Him alone
No one but Jesus
Who else would trade all of royalty’s robes
What king becomes one of us
Savior, Redeemer, the Chief Cornerstone
No one but Jesus
Hallelujah, give Him glory
He is worthy of all praise
Lift Him high, bow down before Him
No one but Jesus
Who bore the cross with the weight of our sin
Whose blood was shed to atone
Went to the tomb with the scars in His hands
No one but Jesus
Who shook the ground with one heavenly roar
In victory rose from the grave
Who said to death you have power no more
No one but Jesus
Who will be waiting when we enter in
Crossing eternity’s shore
Who will we worship forever amen
No one but Jesus
Hallelujah, give Him glory
He is worthy of all praise
Lift Him high bow down before Him
No one but Jesus
No one but Jesus
No one but Jesus
Holy holy holy, no one but Jesus
Worthy worthy worthy, no one but Jesus
Holy holy holy, no one but Jesus
Worthy worthy worthy
No one but Jesus, no one but Jesus
No One But Jesus lyrics and music by Jeff Pardo, Bryan Torwalt, Katie Torwalt, Brett Lee Miller
© 2024 Jesus Culture Music, Jesus Culture Music Group, BrentHood Music, Torwalt Music Publishing, Global Torwalt Music, Bloom Den Music, Meaux Mercy, Capitol CMG Genesis, Capitol CMG Paragon (Admin by Capitol CMG Publishing).

What the Bible says about No One But Jesus song?
Salvation is to be found through him alone; in all the world there is no one else whom God has given who can save us. Acts 4:12 GNB
For there is one God, and there is one who brings God and human beings together, the man Christ Jesus. 1 Timothy 2:5 GNB
I am the LORD; there is no other god. I will give you the strength you need, although you do not know me. Isaiah 45:5 GNB
Christ himself carried our sins in his body to the cross, so that we might die to sin and live for righteousness. It is by his wounds that you have been healed. 1 Peter 2:24 GNB
The LORD, the Most High, is to be feared; he is a great king, ruling over all the world. Psalms 47:2 GNB
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