Lord Listen to Your Children Praying is a powerful Christian worship song about prayer, the Holy Spirit’s presence, and God’s divine response to His people. Emphasizing faith, spiritual renewal, and breakthrough, the song reminds believers that when they call on God, He listens, moves, and empowers them.
Lord, listen to Your children praying
Lord, send your Spirit in this place
Lord, listen to Your children praying
Send us love, send us power, send us grace
Lord, listen to Your children praying
Lord, send your Spirit in this place for me
Lord, listen to Your children praying
Send us love, send us power, send us grace
Something’s gonna happen
Like the world has never known
When the people of the Lord
Get down to pray
Doors are gonna swing open
And the walls come a-tumbling down
When the people of the Lord
Get down to pray
When the people of the Lord
Oh, the people of the Lord
When the people of the Lord
Get down to pray
Doors are gonna swing open
And the walls come a-tumbling down
When the people of the Lord
Get down to pray

Story Behind the Song
In 1970, Ken Medema, a composer and music therapist, was leading a youth group session when they began discussing a hospitalized young man in need of prayer.
Moved by the situation, Medema spontaneously started humming a melody, which evolved into the chorus of “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying.” The group joined in, and this impromptu creation became a heartfelt prayer set to music. [1]
Medema, who has been blind since birth, had a profound connection to music from an early age, beginning piano lessons at five and developing his skills through braille music and improvisation.
His career as a music therapist in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and later at Essex County Hospital in New Jersey, provided him with opportunities to use music as a healing tool.
The creation of “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying” marked a turning point, leading him to perform and record his compositions, starting in 1973.[2]
Prayer and Divine Intervention
Lord Listen to Your Children Praying is a song that speaks about the power of prayer, the presence of the Holy Spirit, and God’s response to His people. It expresses the longing for divine intervention and spiritual renewal, reflecting biblical truths about prayer and faith.
Lord, listen to Your children praying echoes the biblical promise that God hears the prayers of His people. 1 John 5:14 affirms that if believers ask according to His will, He listens. Prayer is not just about making requests but seeking God’s presence, guidance, and transformation.
James 5:16 declares that “the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective,” showing that prayer is an act of faith that aligns believers with God’s will.
Send your Spirit in this place reflects the biblical teaching that the Holy Spirit moves among God’s people. Acts 2:1-4 records the Spirit descending on the disciples, empowering them for ministry. Jesus promised in John 14:26 that the Spirit would teach and guide His followers.
However, Scripture also teaches that the Holy Spirit already dwells in believers (1 Corinthians 6:19). While asking for His presence is biblical, it should be understood as a request for renewal and empowerment rather than an invitation as if He were absent.
Doors are gonna swing open and the walls come a-tumbling down recalls biblical moments when God’s power removed obstacles for His people. Joshua 6:20 recounts how Jericho’s walls fell after Israel obeyed God’s command. Acts 16:25-26 describes how prayer and worship led to Paul and Silas’ prison doors opening.
While God can bring breakthroughs, faith is not about expecting immediate miracles but trusting in His perfect timing (2 Corinthians 12:8-9).
Something’s gonna happen like the world has never known may suggest an expectation of extraordinary events in response to prayer. While God does great things, not every prayer leads to dramatic outcomes.
The Bible emphasizes trusting God’s plan rather than seeking signs (Matthew 16:4). Faith means believing in God’s work even when results are unseen (Hebrews 11:1).
This song captures the power of prayer and God’s presence among His people. It encourages faith, dependence on the Holy Spirit, and trust in God’s ability to move. True faith is not just expecting miracles but believing that God hears, answers, and works in ways beyond human understanding.
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Lord Listen To your Children Praying lyrics and music by Ken Medema, (1970) Public Domain
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