Jesus Refuge of the Weary is a timeless Christian hymn that reflects on Christ as a refuge for sinners, His sacrificial death, and the peace found in Him. Emphasizing themes of repentance, redemption, and eternal rest, this song invites believers to turn to Jesus for comfort and salvation.
Jesus, refuge of the weary,
Blest Redeemer, whom we love,
Fountain in life’s desert dreary,
Savior from the world above:
Often have Your eyes, offended,
Gazed upon the sinner’s fall;
Yet upon the cross extended,
You have borne the pain of all.
Do we pass that cross unheeding,
Breathing no repentant vow,
Though we see You wounded, bleeding,
See Your thorn-encircled brow?
Yet Your sinless death has brought us
Life eternal, peace, and rest;
Only what Your grace hath taught us
Calms the sinner’s deep distress.
Jesus, may our hearts be burning
With more fervent love for You;
May our eyes be ever turning
To behold Your cross anew
Till in glory, parted never
From the blessed Savior’s side,
Graven in our hearts forever,
Dwell the cross, the Crucified.

Story Behind the Song
“Jesus, Refuge of the Weary” was penned by Girolamo Savonarola, a Dominican friar born in 1452 in Ferrara, Italy. Initially trained in philosophy and medicine, Savonarola turned to monastic life in 1474 after a sermon on repentance deeply moved him.
He joined the Dominican Order in Bologna and became known for his fervent preaching against the moral decay of the Renaissance era, particularly in Florence.
His sermons often targeted the excesses of the ruling class and the church, leading to his excommunication in 1497 and eventual execution in 1498. [1]
Amidst his tumultuous ministry, Savonarola composed several religious poems, including “Giesù sommo conforto,” which translates to “Jesus, Highest Comfort.” This poem reflects his deep yearning for spiritual solace during times of societal corruption and personal trials.
The hymn emphasizes themes of repentance, Christ’s sacrificial love, and the believer’s reliance on Jesus as a refuge in a troubled world. [2]
The English version, “Jesus, Refuge of the Weary,” was translated by Jane Francesca Wilde in the 19th century. Her rendition preserved the original’s contemplative and penitential tone, making it a fitting hymn for the Lenten season. The hymn has since been included in various Christian hymnals, offering comfort and reflection to congregations worldwide. [3]
The tune commonly associated with this hymn, “O DU LIEBE MEINER LIEBE,” originated as a folk song around 1700. It was later adapted for hymnody in the 18th century, providing a solemn and meditative melody that complements the hymn’s introspective lyrics. [4]
Through centuries, “Jesus, Refuge of the Weary” has endured as a poignant reminder of Christ’s unwavering support and the hope found in His redemptive sacrifice.
Christ’s Sacrificial Love and Salvation
Jesus, Refuge of the Weary is a reflection on Christ’s role as the source of comfort, salvation, and eternal rest for sinners. It calls believers to recognize His sacrifice and respond with faith, repentance, and devotion.
Jesus, refuge of the weary echoes Christ’s invitation in Matthew 11:28, where He calls the burdened to find rest in Him. Life brings trials and sin weighs heavily, but Jesus remains the safe haven for those who trust in Him. Just as Psalm 46:1 declares God as a refuge and strength, the song reminds believers that only in Christ can true peace be found.
Fountain in life’s desert dreary reflects the biblical truth that Jesus is the living water. In John 4:14, He offers water that satisfies the soul eternally. Just as God provided water for Israel in the wilderness (Exodus 17:6), Christ alone sustains and refreshes weary souls. Without Him, life remains spiritually dry and empty.
Your sinless death has brought us life eternal, peace, and rest affirms the doctrine of substitutionary atonement. Isaiah 53:5 declares that Christ was pierced for our transgressions and by His wounds, we are healed. His perfect sacrifice secures eternal life for those who believe (John 3:16) and reconciles sinners to God (Romans 5:1). The cross is not just a symbol of suffering but the foundation of redemption.
Do we pass that cross unheeding, breathing no repentant vow warns of indifference toward Christ’s sacrifice. Seeing His suffering should lead to repentance, as Acts 3:19 calls sinners to turn to God so their sins may be wiped away. True repentance is not just a vow but a transformation of the heart.
May our eyes be ever turning to behold Your cross anew urges believers to fix their gaze on Christ. Hebrews 12:2 commands us to look to Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith. Worship is not occasional but a continual remembrance of His sacrifice, shaping daily life and devotion.
Christ’s work on the cross demands a response. To ignore it is to reject the only source of salvation. To embrace it is to find refuge, life, and peace. Faith in Christ is not passive; it calls for a heart that burns with love, eyes fixed on His grace, and a life transformed by His sacrifice.
More Related Bible verses on Sacrificial Love
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.” (John 3:16 GNB)
“But God has shown us how much he loves us—it was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us!” (Romans 5:8 GNB)
“He always had the nature of God, but he did not think that by force he should try to remain equal with God; instead of this, of his own free will he gave up all he had, and took the nature of a servant. He became like a human being and appeared in human likeness. He was humble and walked the path of obedience all the way to death—his death on the cross.” (Philippians 2:6-8 GNB)
“For it is by God’s grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but God’s gift, so that no one can boast about it.” (Ephesians 2:8-9 GNB)
“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13 GNB)
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Jesus Refuge of the Weary lyrics and music by Girolamo Savonarola, (1452) Public Domain
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