Tunay na Diyos by Bernard Valencia. The lyrics are a hymn of praise to God, emphasizing God’s unique power, glory, and sovereignty.
The song repeatedly proclaims God’s unmatched greatness and calls for worship and the spreading of God’s glory. The repetitive nature of the lyrics reinforces the central theme of adoration.
Pupurihin ka O Diyos
Ang aming alay ay pagsamba
Kaluwalhatian buong karangalan
Kapangyarihan Mo’y walang katulad
Ikaw ang tunay na Diyos, Ika ‘y walang katulad
Ika ‘y nag-iisa, Ikaw lamang wala nang iba
Sa ‘Yo ang aming awit, dinggin aming tinig
Isisigaw sa buong mundo
Ikaw ang tunay na Diyos, Ika ‘y walang katulad
Ika ‘y nag-iisa, Ikaw lamang wala nang iba
Sa ‘Yo ang aming awit, dinggin aming tinig
Isisigaw sa buong mundo ohhhh
Ikaw ang tunay na Diyos, Ika ‘y walang katulad
Ika ‘y nag-iisa, Ikaw lamang wala nang iba
Sa ‘Yo ang aming awit, dinggin aming tinig
Isisigaw sa buong mundo
Ikaw ang tunay na Diyos, Ika ‘y walang katulad
Ika ‘y nag-iisa, Ikaw lamang wala nang iba
Sa ‘Yo ang aming awit, dinggin aming tinig
Isisigaw sa buong mundo
Kadakilaan Mo

Related Bible verses about Ikaw ang Tunay na Diyos song
But you, LORD, are the true God, you are the living God and the eternal king. When you are angry, the world trembles; the nations cannot endure your anger. Jeremiah 10:10 GNB
Sing a new song to the LORD; he has done wonderful things! By his own power and holy strength he has won the victory. The LORD announced his victory; he made his saving power known to the nations. Psalms 98:1-2 GNB
He kept his promise to the people of Israel with loyalty and constant love for them. All people everywhere have seen the victory of our God. Psalms 98:3 GNB
We know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we know the true God. We live in union with the true God in union with his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and this is eternal life. 1 John 5:20 GNB
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Related themes you might want to include Ikaw ang tunay na Diyos in your list of songs for worship that centered around Trinity, Intimacy With God, Adoration, Genuine Worship, Holy Spirit, Humility.
Ikaw ang tunay na Diyos lyrics and music by Bernard Valencia 2023, Grace Filipino Worship, Believers Melody, Joel Garcia.
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