Fall On Me is a worship song centered around God’s unwavering love and His role as a safe refuge in times of vulnerability, with keywords such as comfort, security, love, trust, and surrender.
The song emphasizes the intimate relationship with God, where believers can rely on His embrace when they feel lost or weak.
You were there to pick me up
And tell me I was good enough
It doesn’t matter what I’ve done
You pull me closer
The highs and lows and in-betweens
You’re the one that’s there for me
When I hurt and when I bleed
You make it better
You make it better
You will always be
You will always be
The one that I can call
The safest place to fall
For me
When I can’t stand
When I can’t stand
You always find the best in me
The time is hiding underneath
Every insecurity
That I can’t cover
I can leave them at the door
You never need me to be more
Than who I am if I am yours
And I am yours now
I am yours now
You will always be
You will always be
The one that I can call
The safest place to fall
For me
You will always be
You will always be
The one that I can call
The safest place to fall
For me
When I can’t stand
When I can’t stand
When you feel a little lost now
Don’t remember who you are now
You can run into my arms
You can fall, you can fall on me
I ain’t ever gonna leave you
So don’t keep another secret
You can fall, you can fall on me
Oh your tears aren’t a weakness
When you feel a little lost now
Don’t remember who you are now
You can run into my arms
You can fall, you can fall on me
I ain’t ever gonna leave you
So don’t keep another secret
Oh your tears aren’t a weakness
You can fall, you can fall on me
You will always be
You will always be
The one that I can call
The safest place to fall
For me
You will always be
You will always be
The one that I can call
The safest place to fall
For me
When I can’t stand

Related Bible verses about Fall On Me
Do not be afraid I am with you! I am your God let nothing terrify you! I will make you strong and help you I will protect you and save you. Isaiah 41:10 GNB
The LORD is near to those who are discouraged; he saves those who have lost all hope. Psalms 34:18 GNB
Do not be worried and upset,” Jesus told them. “Believe in God and believe also in me. John 14:1 GNB
Don’t worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful heart. Philippians 4:6 GNB
And God’s peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7 GNB
The LORD is near to those who are discouraged; he saves those who have lost all hope. Psalms 34:18 GNB
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Bible Readings for Worship
- Bible Verses on Pursuing Our Dreams
- Jesus Our Living Hope
- Like a Tree Planted by Streams of Water (Psalm 1:1-6)
More Free Downloads
- He Who Is To Come (Passion)
- Grace Awaiting Me (Emu Music)
- Easy (Elevation Worship)
- Power Of The Living God (River Valley Worship)
- Christ Our Wisdom (Sovereign Grace)
Related themes you might want to include Fall On Me in your list of songs for worship that centered around Love of God, Power of God, Presence of God, Trinity, Trusting God by Faith.
Fall On Me lyrics and music by Jason Ingram, Steven Furtick, Bear Rinehart Be Essential Songs 2023 Music by Elevation Worship Publishing, My Magnolia Music (Admin Essential Music Publishing LLC).
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