Constant focuses on the theme of God’s unwavering presence and faithfulness, emphasizing keywords such as constancy, healing, surrender, trust, and divine restoration amidst life’s storms.
The keywords in Constant highlight trust in God’s presence, healing through pain, surrendering burdens, and finding strength in His unchanging support during challenges.
I’m getting weak, but you won’t see me folding
Trying to calm the seas of my emotions
Recalling your words
Remember what’s been spoken
I have been locked in this grief
But I’m not broken
Now the door is open
When the storm rolls in
And I can’t see out
Beyond this, beyond this
When the waves crash hard
And I fall back down
You’re on it, you’re on it
When I think that I’ve reached my ceiling
I know the scars only mean that I’m healing
Always by my side, even through my doubts
You’re constant
You’re constant
Pages are turning, finding my own purposе
Hope is a current rising to the surfacе, yeah, yeah
Restoring my faith in the shallow
Rebuilding a fortress, oh
And now when I bend, when I break
Through the pain, I’m learning
I surrender my burden
When the storm rolls in
And I can’t see out
Beyond this, beyond this
When the waves crash hard
and I fall back down
You’re on it, you’re on it
When I think that I’ve reached my ceiling
I know the scars only mean that I’m healing
Always by my side, even through my doubts
You’re constant
You’re constant yeah, oh
You say, “Be still”
And the waves obey your voice
I will not fear
Because I know you’re with me, Lord
You’re never gonna let me drown
You’re never gonna let me down
All the Earth is singing now
That you are Constant
You say, “Be still”
And the waves obey your voice
I will not fear
Because I know you’re with me, Lord
You’re never gonna let me drown
You’re never gonna let me down
is singing now
That you are constant
You are constant
When the storm rolls in and I can’t see out
When the waves crash hard and I fall back down
When I think that I’ve reached my ceiling
I know the scars only mean that I’m healing
Always by my side, even through my doubts
You’re constant
You are, you are, oh
You’re constant
You’re constant

Related Bible verses about Constant song
He heals the broken-hearted and bandages their wounds. Psalms 147:3 GNB
Do not be afraid I am with you! I am your God let nothing terrify you! I will make you strong and help you; I will protect you and save you. Isaiah 41:10 GNB
But his answer was: “My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak.” I am most happy, then, to be proud of my weaknesses, in order to feel the protection of Christ’s power over me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 GNB
We know that in all things God works for good with those who love him, those whom he has called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 GNB
Leave all your worries with him, because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7 GNB
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- Bible Verses on Pursuing Our Dreams
- Jesus Our Living Hope
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Related themes you might want to include Constant in your list of songs for worship that centered around Faithfulness of God, Hope, Healing, Suffering And Pain, Spiritual Warfare.
Constant lyrics and music by Jordan Sapp, Dante Bowe, Jonathan Jay, Chandler Moore, Anthony Gargiula, Wes Harris, Norman Kyamfi, Jordin Sparks ℗ 2024 Maverick City Music.
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