Come My Soul Thy Suit Prepare is a timeless Christian hymn that encourages believers to approach God in prayer with boldness and faith. Emphasizing themes of divine grace, forgiveness, and guidance, the song reminds worshippers that Jesus invites them to seek Him without hesitation.
Come, my soul, your plea prepare,
Jesus loves to answer prayer;
He Himself has bid you pray,
Rise and ask without delay.
I am coming to a King,
Large petitions with me bring;
For His grace and power are such,
None can ever ask too much.
With my burden I begin:
Lord, remove this load of sin;
Let Your blood, for sinners spilt,
Set my conscience free from guilt.
Lord, I come to You for rest;
Take possession of my breast;
There Your blood-bought right maintain,
And without a rival reign.
While I am a pilgrim here,
Let Your love my spirit cheer;
As my guide, my guard, my friend,
Lead me to my journey’s end.

Story Behind the Song
“Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare” is a Christian hymn penned by John Newton, first published in the Olney Hymns collection in 1779. [1] Newton, once a slave trader, underwent a profound spiritual transformation, becoming an Anglican clergyman and hymn writer. This hymn reflects his deep understanding of prayer and God’s grace.
The hymn encourages believers to approach God confidently in prayer, acknowledging Jesus’ invitation to seek divine assistance. It emphasizes bringing significant requests to a powerful and gracious King, trusting in His boundless ability to provide. The lyrics also highlight the need for forgiveness and the cleansing power of Christ’s sacrifice, seeking rest and guidance throughout life’s journey.
Notably, renowned preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon frequently incorporated this hymn into his services a century after its publication. Before prayers, he would have his congregation softly sing stanzas, enhancing the worship experience.[2]
Today, “Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare” remains a cherished hymn, inspiring Christians to approach God with boldness and faith in His limitless grace.
Seeking God’s Grace
Come, my soul, your plea prepare is an invitation to approach God in prayer with confidence. Jesus loves to answer prayer affirms the biblical truth that God hears and responds to those who seek Him (1 John 5:14). Scripture calls believers to pray without hesitation, knowing that God delights in answering according to His will (Jeremiah 29:12).
I am coming to a King, large petitions with me bring expresses the believer’s boldness in prayer, recognizing God’s sovereignty and limitless grace. Hebrews 4:16 encourages approaching the throne of grace with confidence, and Ephesians 3:20 declares that God can do far more than what is asked or imagined. There is no request too great for Him, and He welcomes His people to bring their deepest needs before Him.
Let Your blood, for sinners spilt, set my conscience free from guilt highlights the essential doctrine of atonement. Christ’s sacrifice cleanses the sinner and removes guilt (Hebrews 9:14). Romans 5:9 assures that justification comes through His blood, not by human effort. This truth leads to assurance and peace in the believer’s heart, knowing that salvation is secured by Christ alone.
Lead me to my journey’s end expresses trust in God’s guidance throughout life. Psalm 23:3 speaks of God leading His people in righteousness, and Philippians 1:6 assures that He will complete the work He has begun. The Christian life is a journey toward eternity, and God faithfully leads His children every step of the way.
This hymn upholds the biblical themes of prayer, grace, atonement, and divine guidance. Every line reflects scriptural truth, pointing to God’s faithfulness. Those who trust in Him find assurance that He hears, forgives, and leads them home.
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Come My Soul Your Plea Prepare lyrics and music by John Newton, (1779) Public Domain
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