Revelation 3:7-13 Letter to the Church in Philadelphia
I am coming quickly! Hold firmly that which you have, so that no one takes your
I am coming quickly! Hold firmly that which you have, so that no one takes your
I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who
Worthy is the Lamb who has been killed to receive the power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor,
For the great day of his wrath has come; and who is able to stand?
For the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne shepherds them, and leads them
When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.
In those days people will seek death, and will in no way find it. They will
Take it, and eat it up. It will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth
The kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord, and of his Christ.
They overcame him because of the Lamb’s blood, and because of the word of their testimony.
Let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.
I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him a number, one
They sang the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb,
Saying to the seven angels, Go and pour out the seven bowls of the wrath of
These will war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for he is Lord