Tell Me the Old Old Story (Hymn)
Tell me the story simply, As to a little child, For I am weak and weary,
Tell me the story simply, As to a little child, For I am weak and weary,
O Lord, our hearts awaken To know and love You more, In faith to stand unshaken
William Bradbury biography, Christian Gospel artist, composer worship lyrics, traditional hymn, and story behind the song.
Fanny Crosby biography, Christian Gospel artist, composer worship singer, traditional hymn, and story behind the song.
Isaac Watts biography, Christian Gospel artist, composer worship singer, traditional hymn, and story behind the song.
John Newton biography, Christian Gospel artist, composer worship singer, traditional hymn, and story behind the song.
The lyrics express a desire for God’s kingdom to reign on Earth, mirroring His heavenly rule.
Praise to the Lord the Almighty The King of creation O my soul praise Him
To the King who left His throne Trading glory for a cross
Who bore the cross with the weight of our sin Whose blood was shed to atone
Beautiful Savior Fullness of heaven Though we have nothing Here we receive
I see the Lord I see the Lord High and lifted up in this place
It’s Christ or nothing at all Whatever you want Whatever the cost All I have I
The song The Jesus Way centers on living according to the teachings and example of Jesus
Shake off the dust No You’re not done yet Time to believe again Open up let
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