Approach My Soul (Getty Music)
Approach, my soul, the mercy seat Where Jesus answers prayer
Approach, my soul, the mercy seat Where Jesus answers prayer
My sin and brokenness you bore In you I’m clean forevermore
I will see the world to come Despite the sin that I have done For there
Telling them they’re welcome When they already belong here
If you’re ready for your freedom Come into the Light
Blood and tears how can it be That there’s a God who weeps
Oh let me tell you The story of Jesus I may not have been there But
Sanctify me Purify me Here’s my heart and all that I am Lord Take the old
All of heaven’s kindness running red All God’s children praise the weaver of the scarlet thread
Oh there’s Grace, oh what a grace That saved a wretch like me There’s power wonderous
The song The Jesus Way centers on living according to the teachings and example of Jesus
Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling Calling for you and for me Jesus is calling Calling
Hope has a name Emmanuel The Light of the World Who broke through the darkness
I Say Yes Kim Walker-Smith Tear down these idols and every stronghold
Freedom Kim Walker-Smith Jesus Culture Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom
Let My Life Be Worship Jenn Johnson This moment is holy and I hear You calling