Another Like You is a song expressing profound worship and adoration for God. The lyrics emphasize Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross, highlighting his unparalleled love and mercy.
The song repeatedly asserts God’s uniqueness and worthiness of praise, using powerful imagery of a king seated on a throne.
It’s a declaration of faith celebrating God’s matchless perfection and the unwavering faithfulness experienced by the singer.
You embodied the fullness of God
Wrapped in mercy You showed us Your heart
Your love upon the cross
Your love poured out for all
There is no one like the Lord our God
You’ve been faithful every day of my life
I could search the world and never find
Another like You another like You
You set a table You invite us to come
Your body broken Your blood was enough
This love upon the cross
This love poured out for all
There is no one like the Lord our God
You’ve been faithful every day of my life
I could search the world and never find
Another like You another like You
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the King
Worthy is the One
Who reigns forever
Seated on the throne
High above it all
Everyone will know
You’re like no other
There is no one like the Lord our God
You’ve been faithful every day of my life
I could search the world and never find
Another like You another like You
Another like You another like You
There’s no other like You
I could search the world and never find
Another like You another like You
There’s no other like You
There’s no other like You
You’re perfect in every way
You’re matchless in every way

Related Bible verses about Another Like You song
To whom can the holy God be compared? Is there anyone else like him? Isaiah 40:25 GNB
But God has shown us how much he loves us it was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us! Romans 5:8 GNB
There is no god like you, O Lord, not one has done what you have done. Psalms 86:8 GNB
For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. John 3:16 GNB
LORD, who among the gods is like you? Who is like you, wonderful in holiness? Who can work miracles and mighty acts like yours? Exodus 15:11 GNB
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Another Like You lyrics and music by Brian Johnson, David Funk, Abbie Gamboa, Gabriel Gamboa, Jason Ingram ℗ 2024 Bethel Music.
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