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What if the praise & worship songs, sermon templates, and other essential tools for Live worship was... "Done-For-You?"
Well, here's some goodnews...
Give yourself more time doing ministries by letting us work for you. We’ve done everything for you so that you will have more time to prepare for live worship experiences. We offer simple yet beautiful worship tools that include...
- Weekly Line-up Request Songs
- Praise and Worship Songs
- Sermon Creator Templates
- Live Worship Still Backgrounds
- Call to Worship Scripture Readings
- Premium Royalty Free images
- Churchwide and Small Groups Use
- Unlimited Digital Downloads
- Free Cloud Storage of Songs
- One-Pay Lifetime Subscription
Lifetime Unlimited Downloads! Beautiful PowerPoint templates for your live Worship Services and all ministry events!
Inside you can download...
Plus Exclusive Free Templates!
Lots of ready-made PowerPoint templates on different categories and topics!
- Sermon Prepping Templates
- Business Templates
- Annual Report Template
- Animated PowerPoints
- Teachers-Students Templates
- Arrows Diagram Infographics
- SWOT Analysis
- Sunday Stills Display Templates
- Statistic Infographic
- Files are growing!!!
Download everything in one price!

Lifetime Access
- All Worship Songs
- All Hymns in the Vault
- Sermon Creator Templates and Stills
- Lifetime Unlimited Access
- Weekly Line-up Songs Requests
- Email Support
Frequently Asked Questions
Most frequent questions and answers
Yes! Your Amen Vault subscription plan will allow you to access everything! You are allowed to download and share all contents as long as you follow the same-church policy rule!
Yes! We want to help you create new PowerPoint worship songs that are not yet on our resources library. With 2 conditions: (1) request at least 3-7 days in advance; (2) the songs you are requesting will be on the line-up on coming event.
Submit your worship-set in advance (use the form on your Amen Vault account) and we will create them for you.
We will email you when the song is uploaded.
After purchase you will receive an email with links to access your purchase. You will be prompted to create a My Account with the email address you use on your purchase to access your downloads. Inside your dashboard, you may unlimited download the files.
Putting digital products in a Zip/Rar file is the standard method for downloading files. And this is something technical, so, do not hesitate to contact us if needed.
But I already put all songs already extracted in download folders for those who are not able to extract the zipped files!
Yet, follow these guidelines if needed:
1. Don’t use your phone or iPad to download the files! The files sizes are large. Instead use a laptop or a PC.
2. You may access all your downloads in My Account using the same email address you used on your purchase, and you’ll be prompted to enter a password.
3. Inside your My Account -> Download tab, you may access everything there. Download the worship songs, then, unzip it to be able to use. Use your PC, laptop, Mac or phone’s default Zip extractor. Right-click the downloaded zipped file and click ‘Extract files’
4. If you are not familiar how to unzip files, there are lots of YouTube videos like this one: Watch Tutorial. Or, please ask someone knowledgeable to help you personally.
5. If you’ve tried everything, still unable to open the files, reach out to us.
First, after download extract the files by clicking right and choose extract files.
Second, you need a MS PowerPoint installed on your laptop or PC. Mac needs MS PowerPoint and not keynote app.
Third, install necessary fonts to view the lyrics properly. Fonts are inside your Downloads folder.
Yes. Download first to edit. You may even create a new song using the template! You may add your church logo or even change the background layout.
By principle, yes. The templates can be used by selected number of leaders/people, provided that they are from the same church or campus.
But you are NOT ALLOWED to give the soft copy file to a friend. You are not allowed to distribute the files to other churches/campuses asking for it!
All fonts are under Creative Commons license. Some backgrounds are royalty free. But we also purchased backgrounds for commercial purposes without copyright infringement.
You can pay using your Debit/Credit card through Paypal even if you don’t have Paypal account. Just follow the procedures on Store. Or other two options below:
1. You can pay through Wire Transfer or Bank Deposit. Use the following details: (Account Name) Resty F. Umali, Account no. 0000029607752, Security Bank, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija Philippines 3100.
2. If living in the Philippines (like me), you may pay through GCash (email to ask for GCash number)
After payment, immediately send to me the following: Proof of payment image, your name, Email Address (it’s a must!), and address (city, state/province, country only). Send personal message to Your information is confidential and for this transaction purpose only. After receiving these details, I will manually add your email account to access the purchased product/s download page immediately (8-24 hours).
ALL songs are 100% editable PowerPoint slides with Slide Master options where you can edit the main layout, re-use and create new songs using the same format. No website watermark logo. You may also add your church logo.
Some songs has 3 versions, but some are just one version.
Fonts are beautifully selected, clean, large, simple and readable. Customized for Easy Live Presentation in Modern 16:9 aspect ratio. High Quality visual images.
Yes and No. Yes, we offer refund to our bundled products on Store. And no – we don’t offer refund for Amen Vault product. Why? Because you will access everything and become the owner of all our contents. If you want to see our contents first, you can try free downloads or just purchase any single bundle. Those kind of products on our store are refundable but not this one.
Why refund? Unable to open the file? Then, have you follow the guideline above on how to open the files? Or, not satisfied with the slides? Well, here’s the simple steps to refund:
1. Go to > My Account > Orders
2. Select the order number of the product you want to refund.
3. Select the ellipsis icon (three dots) next to the order total column. This opens a prompt to Request a Refund. If you do not see the ellipsis icon, it means the 14-day period has passed.
4. Click the link to Request a refund. A Refund Request Form displays.
5. Add refund notes, if desired.
6. Select Request Refund.
An automated response confirming receipt is sent to your email address associated with the account.
PS: Corresponding charges will be deducted by Paypal and this is automated transaction. You need to manually refund orders to create ticket and succeed.
Relax. Have a 30-Day "Just Take A Look" Money-Back Guarantee

Here's my guarantee. Access our products and TRY for yourself. If you believe that our resources will not be useful to your ministry or will not be beneficial to you as a pastor or to the church - just fill-up the form and you’ll receive an immediate refund. No questions ask. (Note: for single bundled products only!)
Contact Us
You may message us through this form.

Lifetime Access
Unlimited downloads for life with regular contents updates.

Churchwide Use
Show the slides to your church and to all ministries of your church.

Songs Requests
Send your worship-set and we will create them for you.