The Savior is Waiting (Hymn)

The Savior is Waiting is a timeless Christian invitation hymn that calls individuals to open their hearts to Christ, emphasizing His patience, love, and the promise of salvation. With a gentle yet urgent appeal, the song reminds listeners that Jesus stands at the door, waiting for a response, offering forgiveness and eternal life to those who receive Him.

The Savior is waiting to enter your heart,
Why don’t you let Him come in?
There’s nothing in this world to keep you apart,
What is your answer to Him?

Time after time He has waited before,
And now He is waiting again,
To see if you’re willing to open the door,
Oh, how he wants to come in.

If you’ll take one step toward the Savior, my friend,
You’ll find His arms open wide,
Receive Him and all of your darkness will end,
Within your heart He’ll abide.

Story Behind the Song

In 1958, Ralph Carmichael, serving as the minister of music at Temple Baptist Church in Los Angeles, was approached by Pastor J. Lester Harnish with a request. They were preparing for an evangelistic series and needed a new hymn for the invitation at the end of each service. Responding to this need, Carmichael composed The Savior Is Waiting, aiming to convey Christ’s gentle call to individuals.[1]

During the revival, a ladies’ trio performed the song nightly, and it resonated deeply with the congregation. Its impact extended beyond the church when Bob Pierce of World Vision attended one of the meetings. Impressed by the hymn’s message, he invited Carmichael to serve as music director for a month-long evangelistic campaign in Japan, where The Savior Is Waiting was featured each evening.[2]

The hymn’s heartfelt appeal led to its inclusion in numerous hymnals and songbooks worldwide. Its widespread adoption underscores its enduring message of Christ’s patient invitation to all.

Open Your Heart to Christ

The Savior is Waiting speaks of Christ’s invitation to salvation, highlighting God’s patience, human responsibility, and the promise of transformation. The Savior is waiting to enter your heart reflects Revelation 3:20, where Jesus knocks and calls for a response. The song presents salvation as an open invitation, but Scripture clarifies that responding to Christ requires repentance and faith (Romans 10:9-10). Salvation is not simply about inviting Jesus into one’s heart; it is about surrendering to His lordship and trusting in His work on the cross.

Time after time He has waited before emphasizes God’s patience, aligning with 2 Peter 3:9, which says that God does not wish for any to perish but desires all to come to repentance. However, the idea of Christ continually waiting may suggest passivity, whereas Scripture teaches that God actively draws people to Himself (John 6:44). While the invitation is always available, salvation is ultimately a work of God’s grace (Ephesians 2:8-9). Worship involves recognizing that God is not merely waiting; He is calling, convicting, and transforming those who respond in faith.

Receive Him and all of your darkness will end points to the truth that Jesus is the Light of the world (John 8:12). Accepting Him does bring deliverance from the dominion of darkness (Colossians 1:13), but it does not mean an immediate end to all struggles. Believers still battle sin and trials (Romans 7:21-25). The Christian life is a journey of sanctification, where God continually works to make believers more like Christ (Philippians 1:6). Worship is not about expecting instant change but about walking in the light of Christ daily, trusting in His power to transform.

The song captures the heart of God’s invitation but simplifies salvation as a decision rather than a work of grace through faith. While Christ’s call is real, worship involves more than just responding once—it is a lifelong surrender to Him. The message of salvation is not just that Christ is waiting, but that He is calling sinners to repentance, offering not only entrance into their hearts but complete renewal through His Spirit. What is your answer to Him?

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The Savior is Waiting lyrics and music by Ralph Carmichael, (1958) Public Domain

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