Hands Of The Healer (Hope Darst)

Hands of the Healer emphasizes the power of faith in God’s healing and restoration, showcasing themes of trust, surrender, and the belief in miraculous interventions during challenging times. Key phrases include healing, faith, praise, and miracles

The song talks about trusting God for healing and believing that He can help through difficult times. It highlights key ideas like faith, miracles, and the power of prayer.

Our God is still in the business of healing
I know that He still has miracles
He wants to do
I trust in the power of our
Great Physician
When I have nothing but Jesus
I have nothing to lose

When I’m tired
When I’m weary
When my faith is running out
In the doubting
In the waiting
I will pour my praises out

I place my heart
Soul, mind and strength
In the hands of the Healer
Sickness will lift and chains will break
In the hands of the Healer

You never let me down
I know You won’t start now
I place my heart
Soul, mind and strength
In the hands of the Healer

I know that God can do
Things in an instant
I‘ve seen prayers He’s answered
And mountains He’s moved
So whether it’s right now
Or it takes a minute
Oh, I’ll keep believing
He’s gonna come through

When I’m tired
When I’m weary
When my faith is running out
In the doubting
In the waiting
I will pour my praises out

I place my heart, soul
Mind and strength
In the hands of the Healer
Sickness will lift and chains will break
In the hands of the Healer
You never let me down
I know You won’t start now
I place my heart, soul
Mind and strength
In the hands of the Healer

You bear the scars
That say that You can
Heal every wound
And raise what is dead
Oh, You bear the scars
That say that You can
And history proves
That I’ll see You do it again
And again and again
Oh, I’ll see You do it again
And again and again

In the hands of
In the hands of the Healer

Hands Of The Healer lyrics and music by Hope Darst, Andrew Holt, and Mitch Wong © 2024 Fair Trade Global Songs, Hope For The Best Songs, Best Year Yet, Songs, Be Essential Songs, EGH Music Publishing (admin by Essential Music Publishing).

What the Bible says about Hands Of The Healer song?

LORD, heal me and I will be completely well; rescue me and I will be perfectly safe. You are the one I praise! Jeremiah 17:14 GNB

For this reason I tell you: When you pray and ask for something, believe that you have received it, and you will be given whatever you ask for. Mark 11:24 GNB

Jesus looked straight at them and answered, “This is impossible for human beings, but for God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26 GNB

But because of our sins he was wounded, beaten because of the evil we did. We are healed by the punishment he suffered, made whole by the blows he received. Isaiah 53:5 GNB

Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the LORD in everything you do, and he will show you the right way. Proverbs 3:6 GNB

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